Caretta Caretta

  • The Caretta can be one meter long and weights up to 90 kilos. Its shell is of red-brown color. It eats sea organisms such as medusas, seashells, mussels, etc. Like all reptiles, sea turtles breathe through lungs and can remain under the water more than humans can.
  • From May to August, female Carettas go out at night on the coasts of Crete and other regions of Greece to lay their eggs, burying them in the sand. They lay approximately 115 eggs, which hatch two months later. When they are born, they run to the sea but few of them will survive.  
  • Main threats: Destruction or downgrading of the hatching areas due to uncontrollable tourist development, fishery tools, sea pollution.

The main supporter in the protection of the sea turtle is the non-profit organization "ARCHELON"

15 March 2025
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