Music bands

The following municipal music bands are active in Rethymno:

1. The Municipal Philharmonic Orchestra - Municipal Conservatory of Rethymno 2. The Municipal Choir 3. The Municipal Experimental Symphonic Orchestra of Rethymno. Since 2005 the bands are organizing important performances in Rethymno as well as in other cities of Greece and abroad. Performances have been scheduled in cooperation with other music bands from Cyprus, Serbia, Italy, Corfu and Katerini, in the framework of cultural exchange.

The municipality of Rethymno promotes music education and provides many opportunities to young musicians. We upgraded the Municipal Conservatory of Rethymno, where competent music teachers provide young people with valuable musical knowledge and official music certificates. We have also established the orchestra for students of the Municipal Conservatory with stringed and wind instruments. This orchestra has already given important performances, even though the musicians are young children.


Moreover, the Municipal Orchestra of Rethymno has recently obtained its own space and now that it does not have a housing problem, it has begun to upgrade. A children''s municipal choir was founded, instructing its members who are usually primary school students. We believe this choir is very important, since these children will later be part of the municipal choir for young persons -which we plan to establish soon- but also of the municipal choir for adults.

Finally, the Municipal Experimental Symphonic Orchestra presents every year Symphonic Orchestra works from distinguished Greek and Foreign creators. Our next goal is to hire permanent musicians from Rethymno to work towards a better music education in our city.

The music bands perform in almost all the cultural events of our city, organized by the conservatory, the Municipality or the Prefecture. These performances are a great contribution to our city''s cultural life.

Our main goal is to provide high quality music education to as many children as possible, to enrich our music bands with many and skillful musicians, contributing to the city''s cultural development.

21 February 2025
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